Writing is the easy part… sharing not so much!

My truth

I am currently editing a book I wrote back in 2012. The truth is it was originally a fanfiction. I used to feel a bit embarrassed about admitting that, worrying that people would assume I was writing some kind of perverted erotic fiction about TV characters that I had a thing for. It’s true, the fanfic audience does often enjoy a bit of smut, but fanfiction is so much more than that.

Writing to learn

I found the fanfic world was a place where I could really hone my writing skills. Basically, stories that draw people in attract followers and likes and you get reviews in real time. So you immediately get an idea of how your story is being received with each chapter you post. If your writing is bad or the story not good enough, you find out pretty fast.

If a story flops though, you just try again and eventually you learn what works for your genre. Of course there is a certain element of “writing for your audience”. Plus it can sometimes be hard not to be influenced by suggestions made in the comments. Of course certain character pairings will also attract more attention than others. However, for anyone who aspires to write, I actually really recommend it as a great way to practice writing.

Controversial content

As for the question of sex. Well, one of the best things about writing a fanfic, is that it is completely anonymous. If erotic writing is something new to you that you wish to try, then you can really let go and explore this side of things. There is absolutely no prerequisite for any adult-rated content though in fanfic writing. It is entirely the author’s personal choice.

However, through my spiritual work over the last couple of years, I’ve learned that sensuality, sexuality and creativity are intricately linked. The Second (Sacral) Chakra relates to your ability to form hobbies and create loving relationships. When unbalanced, it can even lead to addictions of sex, drugs, gambling and money.

When I read about the connection between creativity and sexuality, it immediately made so much sense. It is surely no coincidence that so many creative souls I deeply admire seem to have been embroiled in the most fascinating and passionate love affairs.

I actually recommend taking a leap into unchartered territory and trying something new. Who knows what opening up your sensuality and creativity chakra may lead to?

So… my novel

My novel is probably not what you’d consider mainstream. I’m not entirely sure what genre it would come under yet for I need to do more research. However my initial instinct is to say it’s probably romance/hurt/crime. It’s an emotional story, with twists and turns and cliffhangers along the way.

In addition, unlike the original story, the main characters in my edited version are two women who are in a romantic relationship. Maybe this will surprise some people. However, the story is about overcoming tragedy, healing and strength. It’s romantic and maybe a bit sappy in places but it’s ultimately about two human beings who connect deeply and help each other through their worst moments.

I`m really looking forward to sharing more about my novel in the not so distant future…

Click here for a taste of some of my creative writing: Lonely Walk Along a Beautiful Beach.

Click here for a sneaky peak into my Kindle.

crop faceless woman reading book on bed

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