Who am I really? 15 Questions to my kids

I remember a hilarious Facebook quiz doing the rounds a few years ago, where people would ask their young children some questions about their parents. It inspired me to recreate something like that last night. There are lots of ideas on the net for the types of questions you might like to ask. So let’s find out! Who am I really?

I’ll refer to my kids as DD12 and DD10, although my youngest will be turning 11 in a couple of weeks.

What three words would you use to describe me?

DD12: Smart, good with kids and confident.

DD10: Funny, nice, creative.

Cool how they see me as confident!!

What do I like to do the most?

DD12: Write.

DD10: Play the piano.

Spot on there!

picture of a piano keyboard and some sheet music, showing my love for piano as part of who I am

What’s my biggest achievement?

DD12: Coming to Japan.

DD10: Writing my book.

I told them after that having them was also one of my top life achievements!

Why did I come to Japan?

DD12 Because you wanted to learn Japanese and get away from your parents.

(By the way she has perceptively deduced that last part. It’s not a reason I’ve ever spoken out loud to my children.)

DD10: Or you might have thought “Wow, poo-shaped island! Let’s go!”

I think someone was getting annoyed with the questions, lol. I asked this nearer the end.

What is something I always say?

DD12: “Tidy your room!”

DD10: “This house is such a mess!”

Well can’t really argue here!

What makes me sad?

DD12: I don’t know. If your friends did something to upset you?

DD10: I don’t see you sad that much.

Yes, I don’t turn to broadcast it when I feel down or sad.

What am I scared of?

DD12: Murder

No idea where this came from.

DD10: Are you scared of something?

Yes!! Bees and flying!!

What do I do that annoys you?

DD12: When you get mad at us.

DD10: When you take our phones/kindles away.

But it works!!! lol

What do I do best as your mum?

DD12: Be nice sometimes.

DD10: Cook.

Glad I have my uses!

What’s my best dish?

DD12: Roast dinner.

DD10: Lasagna.

Now I’m hungry!

What’s one thing you would change about me?

DD12: Making us tidy our room.

DD10: The tidying.

I guess we could all live in a complete mess?

What is your favourite thing for us to do together?

DD12: Watch TV.

DD10: Play with Teddy. (Our poodle)

I was surprised. I thought they’d say travel!

If I gave you a lot of money what would you buy?

DD12: Some stuff for Jessy (our lovebird) and save.

DD10: Another dog.

Luckily I don’t have spare bundles of cash, or else our house would literally become a zoo!

Update: Feb 1st 2022: We’ve since added two snakes to our collection.

Who are you most like, mummy or daddy?

DD12: I’m not like either of you. I’m me.

DD10: Mummy.

Where would you like us to go?

DD12: Greenland or Alaska.

DD10: Australia.

I love that they answered this immediately without even thinking!

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