31 day writing challenge… relying on my intuition

Writing challenge

The idea of attempting a writing challenge has entered my head for some reason. I think I am looking for something to motivate and inspire me, plus push me into trying new things creatively.

I’ve been researching a bit online the last few days. There are plenty of lists of writing prompts. However, as I skimmed through them I would inevitably come to more than one that just didn’t fill me with any sense of excitement at all. You know things like, an ode to a cowboy’s hat or recounting an amazing experience in a really dull monotonous way.

I know full well that I would be forcing myself to complete those tasks just for the sake of completing them. So then I ask, what’s the point?

a scene of a table set up for writing, with laptop notebook and a mug

Follow your passions

Everything I’ve been reading about embracing my creativity has emphasised that I should focus on what I love, not on things that numb my mind. Sure I could sit and write 300 words about a zombie invasion or make up some wild story about a TV celebrity I have no interest in, but why? I don’t want to write about these things, so why learn how to?

The whole point of leading a creative life is surely to do the things I feel aligned and connected with, not force myself to run through an arbitrary list of plots I would never in a month of Sundays include in an actual novel?

However, the idea of a writing challenge still appeals to me. I want the daily accountability and the chance to practice tackling different topics in a fun and laid-back way. I don’t want to waste time writing about things I have zero interest in.

So, I have – perhaps audaciously – decided to…

Create my own Challenge!!!

I will commit to writing something different every day for the whole month of July!

And hello inner critic.

Okay, so as soon as I wrote that, I could almost feel the negative critic in my head rubbing her hands together with glee.

Ooh, what do we have here? Christmas must have come early, for she’s absolutely handing me this on a plate! She’s committing to writing every single day??? What a fool!!! Talk about setting herself up for failure. Has she forgotten that for four days of the week she is rushed off her feet from dawn until, well, way beyond dusk. Does she seriously think she’s going to pull this off? I mean come on look at her past track record? What about the giving up alcohol for “life”? What day is she on now after resetting her app again? Day 9 is it?? Ha!! Yeah right to this writing challenge working out… she’s a total flake, full of sh*t!

Yep I can almost hear the howls of laughter within my own head, the mocking incredulous disbelief that I should dare to utter such ridiculous words.

Damn what a silly idea! You should just forget about it and maybe spend the time doing some extra cleaning – I mean the house could probably do with it.


Well inner critic. You can sod off, because you know what? It doesn’t even matter anyway. If I complete this writing challenge for 3 days, 7 days, 28 days, the whole 31 or even beyond, it will have been worth it. Of course there is a lot to be said for following things through, but I’ve already proved to myself and the world I can do that. I mean, come on, I committed to having children. Caring for them is not something you can just give up on after a few weeks. It’s a long-term thing. I have regular employment, a 15 year marriage behind me, pre-teen kids, pets, a house, a car, a life-long addiction to playing the piano. I mean without a doubt I can see things through when necessary!

A creative choice

A challenge like this is different. It’s a creative choice. It’s not life or death and it won’t make or break me as a writer or define me as a person. It is something that today, in this moment I want to try and see if I enjoy it. Maybe in a week, I’ll be fed up and decide to move on to something else. Or, maybe I will be inspired and excited about it and continue? Does it really matter?

It makes me wonder though, how many things in life have I avoided trying before, due to this fear of “failure” and shame around not seeing through a commitment? How many more things would I have tried if I had given myself permission to just start things and then choose to stop if I wanted, without putting any pressure on myself.


Oh but the inner critic is clever. She tries a different tactic.

You’re just creating an excuse. You know you’re going to fail at this and so you’ve “let yourself off the hook” so to speak, by spouting all this rubbish about how if you choose to stop it’s all fine. The truth is you are inconsistent and won’t follow this through and everyone will laugh at you and so it’s probably better if you either don’t bother trying in the first place, or you try but you keep it quiet. Then no one will know when you fail you won’t have to explain yourself.

Wow. Thanks inner critic. You sure don’t like the idea of me trying something new and challenging, do you?

In your face Inner Critic

There was a time I probably would have given up at this point. But, I guess I’m embracing my middle aged stubbornness (let’s say early)? I am going to post about this self-imposed challenge.

For the next 31 days. I commit to writing something different every day. I will only choose topics that interest me and I will continue for as long as I am enjoying it and feel inspired. 


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